Examples of change projects, products and services
OD is short for Organisation Development. But it doesn’t really matter what you call it, it’s what OD does that matters. OD works on the invisible connections that make or break your business. But many change projects overlook them!
Many leaders misunderstand complexity. They think they can and should avoid it. They couldn’t be more wrong!
Does complexity science hold the key to leading in the midst of constant change? On this episode of the Cohere podcast, Lauren and Bill talk to Dr. Sharon Varney, author of the new book “Leadership in Complexity and Change”, and leading researcher and practitioner in the field of Complexity Science. Listen Now
You are the primary “instrument” in OD!
Organisational Development is a wide and varied field, but let’s not overwhelm ourselves, it simply starts with you.
Journeying into the unknown Organisational change is a journey into the unknown, along changing terrain. Finding your way in that changing terrain requires (i) new understanding about the dynamic patterning of change; (ii) new processing skills of sensemaking and learning; and (iii) new tools to help people in the midst of on-going change to notice…
Part 2: A framework for advancing your OD practice – Dr Sharon Varney & John Hovell OD practice – an evolving field Part 1 in our series on Advancing your OD Practice explained how Organisational Development (OD) thinking and practice has evolved over the past 70 years to ensure it remains relevant and important in…
Part 1: A mindset, skillset and toolset for change – Dr Sharon Varney OD is for you! Saying that Organisational Development is just for OD specialists is a bit like saying computers are just for IT professionals. In the past, OD was the preserve of specialists. Yet, with increasing organisational complexity, the job…
by Sharon Varney and Sue Ells Line managers are the most critical people in any change effort. Yes, we repeat, THE MOST CRITICAL. Success or failure often depends on the energy and engagement of line mangers. But they’re often just left to get on with it, with a sink or swim attitude. We want to…
Normally at this time of year, I’d be reaching for the winter woollies – cardigans, jumpers, coats and scarves. But not this year. Not yet, anyway. When I went out earlier this week, I instinctively put another layer on and grabbed a scarf to keep out the expected Autumn chill. Yet within 5 minutes, the…
The morning after the Scottish referendum on independence and there seems to be a mad dash for constitutional change in the UK. That change has been called for is not in question. Some want greater self-determination. Some want a new system for social justice. Some want to grab greater personal and political power. Some…