Many leaders think they can or should avoid complexity, but they couldn’t be more wrong.
We’re in the midst of complexity, whether we like it or not. But why don’t we like it? Director of space for learning, Sharon Varney, shares just 5 things that leaders need to know about complexity:
- Complexity is the source of adaptability. In a fast-changing world, where nothing stays the same for long, that’s gold dust! Will you make the most of it?
- Complexity and change come as a package. Businesses are spending vast amounts making change happen, yet many are missing the changing that’s going on right under their noses. Are you?
- New opportunities may show up as unintended consequences. Blink and you miss them. Do you know how to spot the vital signs of change?
- Complexity walks in the door with people, so it’s always present. The question is, will you see it or not?
- There’s no turning back. Complexity is a one-way street and it’s increasing ever faster through technology. If you’re not engaging with complexity now, then when?
If you’re ready to engage with complexity and it’s best-friend change, we’re happy to help.
If you want to know more, Sharon’s book ‘Leadership in Complexity and Change: For a world in constant motion’ will get you started. It focuses on what managers can do to activate leadership in the midst of complexity and change.